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Gerald Leander Betts

Case Type: Endangered
DOB: 11/28/1967
Missing Date: 03/15/2001
Age Now: 57
Missing City: Nashville
Missing State: TN
Case Number: X

Gender: Male
Race: Black
Complexion: Light
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 160lbs
Hair Color: Bald
Hair Length: Shaved
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses or Contacts: None

Location Last Seen: Gerald Betts was last seen at his mother's house at a cookout on March 15, 2001, at approximately 9:00 p.m.. He lives by himself. Family members have a key to his residence and have been by his house, but no one has seen him since the cookout. His girlfriend has also not seen him since that time.

Circumstances of Disappearance: Unknown. His brother said that it is very unusual for Gerald to be missing for an extended period of time like this with no explanation.

Last Seen Wearing: Gerald was last seen wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans and red Nike shoes.

Identifying Marks or Characteristics: He has a tattoo on his right arm with the saying "Live by the sword, die by the sword." He smokes Newport or Marlboro cigarettes.

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