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Dulce Maria Alavez

Case Type: Endangered
DOB: 04/25/2014
Missing Date: 09/16/2019
Age Now: 10
Missing City: Bridgeton
Missing State: NJ
Case Number: MP60241

Gender: Female
Race: Hispanic
Complexion: Light
Height: 3'5"
Weight: 40lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Shoulder
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses or Contacts: None

Location Last Seen: ** Photo is shown age-progressed to 9 years old.** In the area of Bridgeton City Park in Bridgeton, Cumberland County, just before 5:00 p.m.

Circumstances of Disappearance: There is very little evidence of what happened to Dulce but authorities believe she may have been lured into the back of a red van by a Hispanic male, about 5-foot-8; the man is estimated to have been 30-35 years old and had acne.

Last Seen Wearing: A yellow shirt (with Koala Bear on front), black and white pants, white sandals.

Identifying Marks or Characteristics: Unknown.

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